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Community Volunteer Service Hours

The Fairport Harbor Community has a long history of supporting Fairport Harbor Schools with financial, staff and student support.
Fairport Harbor Schools supports it's community in many ways and one out reach is the Community Service Volunteer Hours.
Fairport Students in grades 9-12 are required to provide 25 hours of community service per year they attend FHEVS, so a student that has attended FHEVS for 4 years will have donated 100 hours of service to the community.
The hope is our students:
         "Discover the value of service to others"
         "Experience the impact it has on one's surroundings by contributing to the betterment of those surroundings."
         "Are Motivated to develop/engineer/actualize projects in an area of interest."
A Volunteer Service Hour(s) is a supervised/coordinated period of time given free of monetary charge then validated with a timesheet signed by the supervisor/coordinator with a task description, date of service, start and end time, location of service and valid phone number, or email address.  The service can be as informal as raking leaves for an elderly person, walking a neighbor's dog, and as formal as volunteering for non-profits, churches, schools, homeless shelters, youth groups, and senior centers.

Click here to read the Board Policy on Community Service  (Policy IGCI)

Do you have questions about community service hours?  Don't know if something will 'count' towards your graduation requirement?

Contact Harding Principal Katie Rumbarger at

Click here to print Community Service Verification Form 

Please print, complete and submit the form to Harding Office.  It is the student's responsibility to print and provide the form to the person in charge of offering the service hours, be sure to completely fill out the form and have it signed, then turn it into the office. 

Office staff will enter the hours into Infinite Campus as they are submitted.


Community Service Hours are viewable on the Infinite Campus Student and Parent portal.

Log into your portal account, select More, select Community Service (if you have more than one student, select the correct student from the upper right corner).

Hours are totaled each year.  The top line shows the total hours earned by your student.  If you have a discrepancy or think hours are missing, please contact the office right away.  Please note-If you have not turned in any community service verification forms, and have zero hours, the community service tab will be missing from your parent portal, as there are no hours to report.  Contact the office if you have any concerns. 

Throughout the years students have participated in community service projects that have benefited:

The Fairport Senior Center

The Fairport Harbor Public Library

Feeding Fairport's Hungry

Operation STAT

Subzero Mission

McKinley Elementary Latchkey

Honoring our Heros- Leaf Raking

Baseball/Softball Field Improvements 

Mardi Gras

Community Dinners

Animal Shelters

Church Dinners & Events