Third Grade Guarantee Information
Ohio Third Grade Guarantee
Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee is a state mandated program to identify students from kindergarten through grade 3 that are behind in reading. Schools provide help and support to make sure students are on track for reading success by the end of third grade. The department of education provides policy guidance, instructional tools, and resources on the Third Grade Reading Guarantee.
The ability to read is the foundation of learning. Research shows that children who are not reading at a third-grade level by the end of grade 3 are likely to have trouble learning in all classroom subjects in higher grades.
In the fall of each school year, the students in grades K-3 are given a benchmarking assessment through an online tool called iReady. The student iReady score, in conjunction with other data points, will determine if a student is "on track" or "not on track". If a student is "not on track" (or not at the benchmark for their grade level) they will be placed on a RIMP (Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan).
Parents are integral partners in reading success. If your child is placed on a RIMP you will be notified and a meeting will be scheduled to review the interventions and additional instruction that your child will recieve to help improve thier reading.
Ohio Department of Education Information on Third Grade Reading Guarantee Click Here
How can parents help?
Click here to view the Parent Presentation from Literacy Night