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School Safety Resources

The Safer Schools movement in the State of Ohio

"The Center for P-20 Safety and Security was formed as a collaborative effort between the Ohio Department of Higher Education and the Ohio Department of Education to create safe and supportive learning environments and respond to violence and its causes in educational settings throughout Ohio. Center personnel focus on school climate, safety, security and emergency management concerns in the K-12 and higher education environments, providing guidance and direction to promote physically safe and emotionally secure environments for students, educators, and staff."

In accordance with a state law (HB 422), all schools in Ohio must now hold a lockdown drill every year, just as we hold fire drills and tornado drills. The goals at all times are to protect the safety of our students and staff, to keep parents informed, and to prevent any unnecessary anxiety. Our best defense against intruders is vigilance. Adults and students who see any suspicious person, observe behavior that causes concern, or hear of any threat should notify an administrator right away.

Click here for resources from the Ohio School Safety Center 

What is Navigate Prepared?

"NaviGate Prepared® is a computer system and app that was designed with schools in mind, provides eyes-on access to emergency protocol and facility information. School officials and emergency responders can use the up-to-date information to train, improve, and take action when needed. Each feature is simple to navigate, integrate, and secure in a cloud environment." The Fairport Harbor Schools are utilizing Navigate Prepared for our state required Safety Plan.

Through the NaviGate system, first responders and safety forces have 24-hour access to our safety plan and response procedures. We have worked collaboratively with our local law enforcement officers, sheriffs department and fire department to develop our plan and feel confident that our plan exceeds the expectations of the Ohio Department of Education for safety compliance.


Positive Behavior Support

McKinley is a Positive Behavior Support School. Our school district employs Positive Behavioral Support. (PBS) is an empirically validated, function-based approach to eliminate challenging behaviors and replace them with pro-social skills. Use of PBS decreases the need for more intrusive or aversive interventions (i.e., punishment or suspension) and can lead to both systemic as well as individualized change. Through PBS we have developed a school-wide token economy. Students earn “McBucks” for demonstrating positive behaviors such as responsibility, honesty, dedication and good citizenship.

Buddy Bench
The Buddy Bench idea was started by an 8-year-old boy, named Christian, who lives in Pennsylvania.  He had a great idea to have a bench on the playground designated for students who aren’t sure who to play with, who to talk to, or who just want to assess a situation before joining in a group. Sometimes, especially on the playground, students forget how to be kind.  Sometimes they leave people out, say mean things, or don’t share.  The Buddy Benches are here to remind all students to be kind and to reach out to one another. 

The Buddy Bench IS:

  • A very special place that reminds you to be your kindest selves.
  • A place to sit and decide what looks interesting to you to play on the playground.
  • A place to include people in your play and make new friends.
  • A place to say "YES!" to friends who ask you to play. 

The Buddy Bench is NOT

  • A place to hang out and play with friends you already have.
  • A place where you say "NO!" to a friend who invites you to play. 
  • A place where being mean or hurtful is OK. 
  • A place where excluding others is OK. 

Teachers can help guide you toward an activity and can help to remind you and your friends of the Buddy Bench rules. Try the Buddy Bench first, then ask for help if you need it!

Safer Schools Info click here!