Fairport Harbor Exempted Village School District
An Early College District
Welcome Resident Students and Thank you to those choosing Fairport Harbor Schools for open enrollment! Below you will find our application and the board policies. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 440-354-5400.
Registration for Fairport Harbor Exempted Village Schools:
- Fairport Harbor Exempted Village Schools offers Centralized Online Registration.
- Online Registration requires scanner/printer capability and must be performed on a computer, not on a tablet or phone, you will need the ability to open a browser on the device you are using. If you are unable to scan mandatory enrollment documents during the online process, you may email them to Cindi Clair at cclair@fhevs.org. Originals may be brought to the Board of Education Office for copying during your appointment. Please call 440-354-5400, Ext. 102 to schedule your appointment.
Enrollment Forms
Withdraw/Transfer Form
Before beginning the online registration process, please gather the following documents:
- Parent/guardian picture I.D.
- Student birth certificate
- 2 proofs of residency (current utility bills-not cable or phone, real estate document, current bank statement, voter registration)
- If the documents requested above are not available, a Residency Affidavit may be accepted.
- Current immunization records
- Custody or other court documents (if any)
- Copy of IEP’s or 504’s (if applicable)
- Please have them ready to scan and upload during the registration process. You may take a photo using your cell phone of the required identification and use those saved files for your uploadable documentation.
NOTE: Visiting these links will log you out of campus. |
Please contact Cindi Clair at Email: Cclair@fhevs.org, or by phone at 440-354-5400, Ext. 102, for additional questions or to schedule an appointment if needed.
Fairport Harbor Exempted Village Schools
Board of Education
329 Vine Street
Fairport Harbor, OH 44077
440-354-5400, option 1, option 0
Email: info@fhevs.org
Fax: 440-357-1478