Health Services District Wide
School Nurse Heidi Bodi
Health Care Information and Forms
- Health Care Information and Forms
- Allergies
- Asthma Inhaler Form
- Crisis Hotline Numbers
- Diabetes Info
- Epi Pen Form
- Medication Authorization Form
- Seizure Action Plan
Health Care Information and Forms
Healthcare Information
Nurse Mrs. Bodi
Health Services:Mrs. Bodi is at the elementary school daily from 8:30-3:00. If needed, she will go to the high school between 2:00-3:00. She can be reached by calling the office of either school and by email:
Mrs. Fairbanks will be at the high school daily from 9:00-2:00. AFairbanks@fhevs.orgAll students entering the 7th grade are required to have one dose of the meningitis vaccine (MCV4), in addition to the current requirement of the Tdap vaccine. A second dose will be required before entry into 12th grade, which can be given after the 16th birthday.
All 12th-grade students will be required to have two doses of meningitis (MCV4) vaccine prior to the start of school. If the first dose of this vaccine is given on or after the 16th birthday, only one dose is required. As physician's offices and the health department get very busy during the summer and at the beginning of a new school year, it is HIGHLY recommended that you have your student vaccinated as soon as possible. The Ohio Revised Code (3313.671) requires documented proof that these immunizations have been received, otherwise, the student will be excluded from school. After your child receives any updated immunizations, please provide a copy of his/her complete shot record to the school office.
Immunization Requirement Information
This school year will be different than previous ones. Due to COVID and the symptoms associated with it, students will be sent home if they present to the clinic with these symptoms. There is an isolation room at both schools. You will be expected to pick your child up from the school within 30 minutes of the initial phone call; please make sure your contact information is correct in Infinite Campus. Click on the link to the COVID page for more up to date information.
Most minor illnesses and injuries will be handled by school personnel. In case of serious injury or illness, parents and/or the Fairport Harbor Fire Department will be called. If the parent(s) is not available, the next person designated on the Emergency Medical Authorization will be contacted. It is important that we have accurate phone numbers for your home, cell, and workplace. These phone numbers should be updated throughout the year should they change.
If your child has a temperature greater than 100 degrees or has vomited in school, you will be called immediately and your child will need to be picked up. PLEASE do NOT send your child back to school until he/she has been fever-free for 24 hours and/or has not vomited for 24 hours. This greatly reduces the risk of exposure to other students and staff.
Head lice are a common problem in school settings. Please routinely inspect your child's head for lice (little bugs that are sometimes difficult to see) and nits (eggs that resemble a sesame seed or dandruff but are difficult to pull off of the hair shaft). If it is discovered that your child has lice in school, you will be called and your child must be picked up. Treat your child with an over-the-counter lice treatment as soon as possible. Your child can return to school the day following treatment, but please send proof of treatment (box top or receipt) to the office. Please remind your child to keep their head and all personal articles to themselves. Lice do not fly or jump; they only crawl. Transmission in school is unlikely and much more common in closed settings, such as sleep-overs. It also takes about 1 month from the time one bug crawls onto ahead for it to be discoverable. Therefore, it is almost impossible to determine where your child "got" lice. Encourage your child to put a hat and gloves inside of his/her zipped bookbag during the day.Medication
A medication form must be completed for all medications given at school. This includes over the counter medications such as Tylenol, Advil, Benadryl, or Tums. No child is allowed to carry a personal supply of medication(s).
If your student requires a prescription or over-the-counter medication at any time during the course of the school year, this form will need to be completed and will need the prescriber’s signature along with the medicine in its original container brought into the clinic by an adult.
If your child is required to take prescription medication during the school day, please fill out the Medication Authorization Form electronically, obtain the proper signatures and return the form to school with the medication. Note: Medication should be dropped off at school by an adult.
Inhalers and Epi-pens Students that may need to self-administer an inhaler or Epi-pen at school must complete the appropriate forms for Authorization for Student Possession and Use of an Epinephrine Auto-injector or Asthma Inhaler, this must be signed by both the parent and the prescriber. We ask that parents supply the clinic with an additional inhaler or Epi-pen for back up. Please call the clinic with questions.
If your child is required to carry an inhaler for medical purposes, please fill out the Asthma Inhaler Form, obtain the proper signatures and return the form to school with the medication. Note: Medication should be dropped off at school by an adult.
If your child is required to use an Epi-Pen for medical purposes, please fill out the Epi-Pen Form electronically, obtain the proper signatures and return the form to school with the medication. Note: Medication should be dropped off at school by an adult.
Please complete an Immunization Exemption Form for Religious, Reason of Conscience, and Medical Exemption Form if needed.
Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) are located:
Harding: Between gym doors
McKinley: Across from the gymnasium in fire cabinet
Food Allergy and Anaphalaxix
Anaphylaxis (Ana-fil-akses) is a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction resulting from exposure to allergens. Food allergies are the most common cause of anaphylaxis.
If your child has severe allergies it is imparitive to have an Allergy Action Plan in place.
This three-part video series is designed to help create a safer learning environment for students with severe allergies. The three programs are designed to:
- Empower parents to partner with schools on education and emergency response.
- Inform parents on how to prepare kids for severe allergies at school and at home.
- Educate parents of kids without severe allergies on anaphylaxis risks in school.
Click here for a list of Allergy Safe Products / Snacks from SNACK SAFELY
Click Here for a Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan
Click to fill out Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan.
Asthma Inhaler Form
Crisis Hotline Numbers
Diabetes Info
The Fairport Harbor Schools support the Safe at School Movement and strive to provide a safe environment for our students living with Type 1 Diabetes.
If your student is diagnosed please contact your school immediately so that an action plan can be put into place for your child.
Diabetes Medical Management Plan (DMMP)
Please view this helpful video to learn more about Type 1 Diabetes Managment