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English Language Learners

English Language Learning (ELL)

The ELL program supports students whose primary language is not English in the Fairport Harbor Schools. We are committed to supporting our learners who speak a second language by helping them strengthen their English skills.

In Ohio,  services are offered to students whose primary language is not English, and who have not yet shown full proficiency in academic English. Support is provided to reach both English Language Proficiency standards and Ohio's academic standards.

We are committed to helping English learners who attend our district and providing resources to families. ELL services are supported by funding through Title III. FHEVS is a member of the ELL consortium of the Educational Service Center of North East, Ohio.


How Does My Child Exit ELL Services: (From the Ohio Department of Education

A student is able to exit services when he or she attains a performance level of Proficient on the OELPA (Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment). The Proficient performance level is defined as domain/test level scores of 4s and 5s in any combination across all four domains (listening, reading, writing and speaking). Students in grades K - 12 are eligible for reclassification if the student receives a performance level of Proficient.

In OELPA, there are three overall performance levels: Proficient, Emerging and Progressing. The performance levels are determined as follows: 

  • “Proficient” students are those scoring any combination of 4’s and 5’s across all four domains
  • “Emerging” students are those scoring any combination of 1’s and 2’s across all four domains
  • “Progressing” students are those scoring any combination across the four domains that does not fall into Proficient or Emerging