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  • Fairport and Auburn Career Center share financial services. Below you will find contact information. 

    Fairport Harding High School

    329 Vine St.                                        

    Fairport Harbor, Ohio                              

    Phone (440) 354-5400                              

    Fax (440) 357-1478                                 

    Mrs. Sherry Williamson - Treasurer 


  • Mrs. Victoria DePasquale - Assistant Treasurer


  • Mrs. Carrie McVicker - Accounts Payable Specialist

Click HERE to be directed to the 

Fairport Harbor Regular Audit fiscal year ending June 30, 2022

 Click HERE to be directed to the 

Fairport Harbor Regular Audit fiscal year ending June 30, 2021

Click HERE to be directed to the 

Fairport Harbor Regular Audit dated 12/31/2018 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018 

Click HERE to be directed to the Retention Schedule