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Student Safety Club

Student Safety & Innovation Club

Students Safety and Innovation Club, Grades 7-12 

Club President-Matteo Kidder 


Head Club Advisor- Sheila Holbrooks


Assistant advisor/consultant: Fairport police officer/SRO Medina, Fairport Nurse Angie 

This Club's mission is to make ideas and suggestions to the school, administration board, or safety committee. Regarding safety and a better learning environment. Awareness and discussion of the chemistry of  DUI, Drug Abuse, and Suicide prevention. School Safety Awareness. To know and learn how to address issues and concerns to resolve them in a good manner. The students provide service to students who are injured and need to get to class and assist the nurse if ever asked. Help with the Student Council. Helping with school dances and other such activities is provided with safety in mind. Also taking trips to places like the Justice Center, police and fire departments, and much more. 

Lastly, make sure our very own high school and middle school students are not safety-blinded but safety-minded.  

Disclaimer This Club will not be used as a complaint session, but rather the mission is to bring students together collaborate ideas, and learn in a controlled professional environment. 

Allowed to join at any time, more info in the office.