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Meet Our Board Members

Meet Our Board Of Education


Karen Bidlack

Appointed 11/24/2020

Contact Karen at

Karen was born and raised in Fairport Harbor. She has been a longtime resident of Fairport and is a 1976 FHS graduate. Karen has been married to her husband, Mike, since 2012. Karen has two daughters, Marcie and Krissie who are graduates of Fairport Harbor Schools. Karen has 4 grandchildren, Maximus, Jack, Cooper and Byron. 

She has been employed with Progressive Insurance for 17 years and is planning to retire July, 2024. She was the National Honor Society Advisor for Fairport Harbor schools for over 10 years and held other advisor positions such as Drama Director where the school won the Fall Production as Best Fall Performance in 2007. She was Student Council Advisor, Middle School Advisor, and Yearbook Advisor. 

Karen has an Associates Degree in Human Resources from Lakeland Community College and is a licensed P&C Consultant. 

She has served on the Fairport Harbor EVS as board member since November, 2020. Karen is committed to the community and schools. She is an advocate for student achievement and maintaining transparency in the district. Karen has served as the Student Achievement Liaison and has been a member of the CORE committee during the new school construction project. She advocated to pass the levy supporting the additional funding needed to align with the State of Ohio requirements which allowed the school to move forward with construction. 

She works with the rest of the school board to review and vote on school policy and works closely with the school Superintendent on board matters.

Karen is also a member of St. Anthony's Church where she was Chair of Church Council, and currently a member of St. Anthony's choir and Eucharistic Ministry. She has organized dinners to raise funds for church needs such as the Community Food Bank and Building Fund. 

Karen is President of the Fairport Harbor Civic Club where she organizes events for the community such as Easter Egg Festival, Founders Day dinner and Community Day. She is board officer for the Fairport Mardi Gras. She is the former President and current member of the Hungarian Heritage Museum and spearhead the project to install a Hungarian monument in the Fairport Harbor park. She is a member of the Fairport Harbor Senior Center, Finnish Heritage Museum and Fairport Slovenian Club. 

In her spare time, she likes to garden, travel, crochet, spend time with family and stay involved with community projects. She sees great things happening with the schools and plans to stay engaged to meet the needs of the residents.

Justin Levine 

Justin was appointed to the board in 2023. He has been employed at Fire Engine Red (FER) since 2019, where he works directly with colleges and technical schools to help communicate, market to, and enroll students. Prior to working with FER, he worked in multiple enrollment and reporting functions at local institutions such as Lake Erie College, Ohio Wesleyan University, and Baldwin Wallace University. Although he has been a lifelong Lake County resident, he did not become a resident of Fairport Harbor till late 2018. Since joining the community, he has started a small business (Glazed Fairport 2019) with his wife, Jenny, and founded a local non-profit (Fairport Harbor Arts and Culture Alliance 2020). When not working or volunteering, he enjoys spending time with his son and daughter, who attend McKinley Elementary. 

Contact Justin Levine at


William Lukshaw

Mr. Lukshaw's email address is


Sherry Maruschak

Contact Sherry at:

Retired from the real estate industry, long-life resident, and proud member of the Fairport Harbor community.   Ms. Sherry Maruschak’s mission for the Fairport Harbor School District is to improve community communication and inform them of the district's progress and challenges. Implement a strong response to bullying. Give encouragement and a sense of moral values to the students and faculty.

I care about Fairport and the kids that are here. My dad went here, I did along with my siblings, my children went here, and now four of my grandchildren. I want all kids to feel safe and take pride in going to Fairport and know that they will have the best education there is! I also want the community to be heard; after all, they are the ones who elect us and trust us with their kids.


Amy Neff

I have been a resident of Fairport Harbor for almost 11 years, and my children have been attending school here for the last 10 years. During those years, I have become a very active school volunteer, helping with countless PTO events and school functions. I became the Scholastic Book Fair chairperson in 2018 and have spent many hours in McKinley helping children, parents, and teachers at the Book Fair. I have worked closely with the current and former principals at McKinley to use Scholastic Dollars earned from our book fairs to provide hundreds of books for Literacy Nights, PTO events, and classroom supplies. In 2021 I volunteered as a lunch and recess monitor for the final quarter of the year to help with staffing shortages as more children were returning from remote learning. These experiences have helped me learn more about the inner workings of our schools while also forming relationships with students, parents, and staff members. I was also a member of the Parent Advisory Committee in 2019, the Re-Opening Committee in 2020 and 2021, the NNPS Cohort Action Team in 2021, and participated in the FHEVS Vision Meeting in May of 2022.

Over the years, I have dedicated a large majority of my time to community involvement. It is truly my passion. I founded Feeding Fairport's Hungry in 2018. I am proud to say that over the last five years we have accomplished so much. We have raised money to assist with past due lunch accounts at both McKinley and Harding, held several snack drives for McKinley students, held several Thanksgiving and Easter meal drives to benefit families throughout Fairport and at both schools, held a community-wide clothing drive at McKinley in 2019, and we have also held several school supply drives.

These endeavors have provided me with an insight to some of the greatest needs that exist in our community, particularly those affecting students and families in our schools. This has also given me the opportunity to form bonds and to connect with so many people across Fairport Harbor.

I graduated in 2001 from Father Thomas Scecina Memorial High School in Indianapolis, Indiana where I spent my senior year working as a cadet teacher. After high school I started college at Indiana University. After my freshman year I relocated to Hawaii and attended the University of Hawaii at Manoa where I lived for many years. Once I moved back to the mainland United States I continued my college career at Indiana University remotely, majoring in English/Technical and Professional Writing where I was inducted into the Honors Society. I have a very strong background in both written and verbal communication. Prior to deciding to stay home with my children I worked as a business manager in Honolulu and Dallas.

I have five children and as of next year I will have students enrolled in the district in the high school, middle school, elementary school, and preschool. This provides me the unique benefit of seeing and experiencing the daily lives of students and parents from every single level in our district.

I have a long standing history of working with both of the schools and the community on a regular basis, and I greatly feel that with that experience I would be a huge asset to the school board.

My greatest priorities are; wide-open communication, accountability, transparency, community, and working hard to ensure that the children's best interests are always at the forefront. I want parents to feel trust in our school board, and I want them to always feel heard, respected, and understood.